Redefining the Influencer

“I get asked the question constantly, ‘why did you want to become a doctor?’ I’ve realized over time that this isn’t the question to be asking. It doesn’t get to the heart of the matter. The right question to ask is ‘what TYPE of doctor do you want to become?’”

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Serial Non-For-Profit Founder (Texas)

“I believe that everyone is an icon and achieves success every single day—regardless of their education, profession, location or background. People are pillars within their community and should be honored and celebrated, no matter who they are. That's why I've wanted to be a part of all these incredible organizations.”

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Managing Director and Co-Founder (New York)

“Sainthood is not a requirement, but what is, is if you embed service into your strategy, operations, and tactics, then you will be able to live a life that is beneficial to other people.” 

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Aspiring Doctor (Texas)

“To me, service means doing whatever it takes to put others above yourself. It means to play a role in someone's life. To make things better. That's who I am. This is what defines me. And, I'm just getting started.”

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Naval Officer (Pennsylvania)

"We all imagine what service is when we're kids. Watching movies, seeing the action on TV—there's an idea in your head. I have come to realize there's no such thing as the good and bad guy—we are all people in the end and there's always a story behind each one of us.” 

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